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Timber Certification

Independent third party accredited, chain of custody certification ensures timber or timber products originate from responsibly managed forests.

Timber Certification

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware that many timber products can often come from illegal sources or be the product of unsustainable logging. This type of logging can lead to mass deforestation which leads to a loss of habitats, livelihood and is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. The unsustainable timber trade threatens forests across the world and the very people who depend on them.

Forest certification first arose in response to concerns about the preservation of the world’s forests. It developed as a result of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Brazil, which defined ‘sustainable development’ as a common goal of human development.
The preamble of the ‘Forest Principles’ – one of the five outcome documents – stated that “forests are essential to economic development and the maintenance of all forms of life.”

Nevertheless, the governments were unable to agree on the specifics of sustainable forest management at the UN level, and so forest certification through independent third-party audit arose as a process and a mechanism to bring people together to define it.

Independent third party accredited, chain of custody certification ensures timber or timber products originate from responsibly managed forests. It gives independently verified assurance that the wood used originates from responsibly managed forests by demonstrating the material is tracked through every stage of the process, from forest to end-user.

By maintaining a certified chain of custody system, you can provide reassurance that your timber products are sourced and produced in compliance with a globally recognized ecological, social and economic standard.

For a product to qualify for certification, all companies who take legal ownership of the products and process ranging from trade or repacking them, need to be certified.
The benefits of chain of custody certification

Having your chain of custody system independently certified by CSIM which is recognized certification body, will demonstrates to your customers your commitment to responsible supply chain management. Specifically, chain of custody certification will provide:

 Added value to your products and services
 Access to new markets enabling you to win new customers
 Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements
 Enhanced business reputation and confidence in the supply chain
 Use of the PEFC label on products and packaging
 Assurance to your customers that they are contributing to environmental conservation and economic stability

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