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MSPO Certification

The MSPO Certification Scheme is Malaysia’s national scheme to ensure that Malaysian palm oil products meet internationally accepted standards and thresholds and at the same time

MSPO Certification

Palm oil is one of Malaysia’s leading commodities and is used both locally and internationally. Its versatility makes it almost impossible to not find it in many everyday products, ranging from food to household cleaning items and industrial products. As the world population grows, the demand for palm oil as a commodity continues to grow in tandem and the industry has embraced that challenge, as palm oil is a highly productive and versatile commodity. The amount of palm oil produced per hectare per year is far greater than any other vegetable oil and yet the cost to produce is much lower than the production cost of other vegetable oils. For decades, Malaysia has been one of the leading producers and exporters of this versatile and affordable commodity; thus not only supporting the world’s need for an affordable source of material but also supporting the local economy and raising the living standard of many Malaysians, particularly in the rural areas. The planting of oil palm by the rural communities, particularly by the smallholders, has been hugely instrumental in the eradication of poverty in the country.

The MSPO Certification Scheme is Malaysia’s national scheme to ensure that Malaysian palm oil products meet internationally accepted standards and thresholds and at the same time, allow the oil palm smallholders who have about 40% of the nation’s oil palm planted area to participate in the market for sustainable palm oil.

The national scheme is devised to ensure that the oil palm plantings and production of palm oil are using the best management practices to comply with the agreed sustainability requirements without further aggravating forest degradation and deforestation nor harming the environment and people.

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